
Friday, May 20, 2011

The Rapture outfit

I'm thinking slutty with lots of sparkles.

And waterproof mascara. I'm guessing things might get a little emotional.


Monday, May 16, 2011

If my enormous nail polish collection is any indicator,

I'm not marriage material ...
unless you can easily remove a husband with acetone, that is.


Friday, May 6, 2011

If I did a video ...

on the look I rocked most this week, I would have to call it
“Hair up/Tore up: An impromptutorial.”


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Glitter lip gloss

I have realized lately that I hate lipgloss with glitter in it. 
No matter how small the particles are.
It annoys me. It hurts when I rub my lips together.  I can’t handle it.
I am a delicate flower; Think “Princess and the Pea”.
Even if there are 8 mattresses between a sharp, spikey, sparkly particle and my lips,
I completely lose my shit.

found a bottle of WakeUps ...

in the cupboard this morning.
According to Garnier, caffeine is anti-puff, so I’m going to throw 140 thousand of these suckers in the bathtub and see what happens.